One Act Plays
2f, 2m
Two Chihuahuas contemplate the power and persistence of the smell of their urine in the oriental rug. A husband and wife contemplate it too. Is their love for their pets stronger? What lasts longer, the smell of pee or the smell of love?
Premiere Production
Source Theatre One Act Festival
The Dream House
3f, 3m
One day, after years of longing and doing without, Mandy buys the house in the woods she had always dreamed of. The problem is, it comes with three cranky animal spirit guides and a brain tumor. The brain tumor is friendlier than her animal spirit guides.
Commissioned by the Moscow Arts Theatre and the University of Iowa International Writers Workshop.
The World at Absolute Zero
1f, 1m
On their first date, Didi and Fred desperately try to feel something for each other. But they can’t. Their hearts and souls are as cold as absolute zero. Will they be able to make a human connection before they freeze completely? A one act play for two actors, a refrigerator, and a 6 pack of coke.
Premiere Production
EST Marathon
A Permanent Signal
The Sirens return to Earth to harvest the sweetness they planted years before. The crop is not quite what they expected.
Premiere Production
Attica Productions, Edinburgh
Hold for Three
2f, 1m
Three teenagers—Scottie, Bartey, and Ed–meet on a beach on a beautiful evening to watch the full moon come up. Scottie and Bartey coach Ed, telling him stories about moments of great historical courage to help him hold his breath while the moon rises.
Over a hundred productions world wide.